We Are Here To Serve You

Middle East Energy Enterprises (MEEE) is a company managed by group of professionals who have hardcore specialized experience in International Trading by virtue of working from the grass root level to top levels and is a well recognized company in international trading. As a result MEEE has emerged as a major player in the UAE market and is well recognized in major markets all across Middle East and in the global markets. We deal with all leading Multi National companies based on the requirements.We also are stockists of Agro Based products to fulfill the requirement of clients needs at any given time.

Why Are We The Best?

Middle East Energy Enterprises, specializes in the agricultural business for food and energy industries. Given its experience in green energy, running its own biomass power plants, the company imports and exports agricultural products from various part of world. Our Prices and Costs are always linked to the current market conditions and follow the major international indices. On-time delivery and sustainability are the key drivers of the agricultural division.
We are constantly striving to develop manufacturing / processing units and bring about industry-wide improvements in sustainability. We are commited to improve lives of our people, communities in which we work through the integration of economic prosperity, social development and environmental protection
We look to develop sustainable value in our industry and operations, nurturing the talent of our people and building strong, open and lasting relationships with all our clients and stakeholders.
We are committed to forming partnerships that discover hidden value and bring transformational benefits to countries and communities.


Agriculture Development

Middle East Energy Enterprises, leases and operates farms and cultivate agriculture in Middleast and Other parts of world with the objective to create sustainable tangible asset values, generate operating returns and participate in potential value increases


Focusing Future

We take extra care to deliver quality products at reasonable prices to meet our commitments on schedule. The group has carved a niche for itself in the Middle East market and expanded to different continents. Currently we are operating in 5 countries across 3 continents.


Strategic Partnerships

We deal with all leading Multi National companies based on the requirements.We also are stockists of Agro Based products to fulfill the requirement of clients needs at any given time. We also supplies other items too like Fertilizers, Chemicals, petroleum products and other Commodities